Technology Revolution

Walk into any Starbucks or airport in America or around the world for that matter and you see people on their laptops, Blackberries, and iphones, reading the electronic version of the Wall Street Journal, watching TV or creating PowerPoint presentations; people don’t know what to do without interactive technology. Imagine a world without computers, laptops, smart phones or the Slingbox; what did we ever do before them? Presentations were made on slides and shown using a projector, reports were typed on a typewriter, calls were made either using either a landline or a payphone and TV shows were taped using a VCR. These are communication tools of the past, even the leather-bound daily planner is becoming extinct.

Digital technology has not only altered the way we live and communicate it has shifted the way we conduct ourselves on a daily basis. We have become a nation FAST, QUICK, EASY and NOW! The Blackberry has become known as the Crackberry because of the addiction that people have for being available and in constant communication. I have a friend who is a sports industry executive and brings new meaning to the word multi-tasking-this gal can lift weights, spin and do a yoga class all while emailing and closing deals.

What I find most interesting in the current technological revolution is the way we watch television and use smart phones. (For those of you that do not know what a Smartphone is, it is a phone that offers advanced computing ability; the iphone, Droid, and Blackberry are all Smartphones.) I am fascinated by the way that people are attached to their phones; you can’t turn a corner with seeing someone texting, surfing the web, or watching TV on their Smartphone. Marketers are continually challenged as they follow the constantly changing landscape of technology. Knowing how your customers are accessing information allows you to design a campaign to reach them on whatever technology they are using.

Television had moved beyond the basic broadcast channels that most of us grew up with (ABC, CBS, and NBC). In years past if you were not near a television and wanted to watch a sporting event or television show you popped a tape in the VCR; now you TiVo, set your DVR or program your Slingbox to redirect the program or event to your computer or Smartphone. (The Slingbox is considered placeshifting; viewing live, or stored media remotely by means of a broadband internet connection). Wireless communication is bringing generations together on a closer plane; instead of taking days via the post office, or Federal Express, communication now takes seconds over the Internet.

We have really become a nation of FAST, QUICK, EASY and NOW! There are many discussions about how we have changed as a nation due to the technology revolution, including a “digital divide” in how we communicate. The upside to a divide is the fact that technological advances are making the world a better and an easier place to do business in. More and more companies and marketers have been jumping aboard the fast moving train of the revolution.

How Different Generations Influence Purchasing Decisions

I recently spent the day with a group of people from different generations and was interested to see how they approached various tasks and made buying decisions. Each generation used different phases and words, and if you were not from that generation you didn’t necessarily understand the meaning. In today’s economy many companies and organizations are asking the question “How do we connect with muilti-generational decision makers and gain the attention of these diverse buyers?” 

Society has a clear definition of generations and has labeled these groups: Baby Boomers -born between 1943 and 1964; Generation X- born between 1965 and 1980; and Generation Y– born between 1981 and 2000. When you look at the events that shaped these generations the lines become a little fuzzy as things that happened in the Baby Boom Generation spilled into Generation X and things that happened in X have spilled into Y. Generationally defined lifestyles and values have as much influence on purchasing as more common demographic factors such as income, education and gender.

 Baby Boomers are a large group born during the Post-World War II baby boom. The term Baby Boomer has become a cultural term that defines an era of time. In general, Baby Boomers are associated with a rejection or redefinition of traditional values; in the 60’s and 70’s when many Boomers were teenagers and young adults, American culture and technology was changing. It was a confusing time and many were affected by the assassinations of JFK and Martin Luther King Jr., the Vietnam War and Watergate. Drugs, sex, and rock and roll were a big part of the culture as well as the beginning of the women’s liberation movement.

Generation X grew up in the shadows of the drugs, sex, and rock and roll culture; it was still a time of uncertainty and bucking the values of the 50’s generation.  Divorce was not spoken of, the economy was on shaky grounds, and there was a lot of turmoil. Social issues that influenced the 70’s & 80’s are still with us today. Xer’s were the first generation to be a part of the technology revolution as children; they grew- up using a computer. Education has a large influence of this generation and is a great way to gain their attention.

Generation Y are the children of the Baby Boomers; many of their parents are still youthful themselves and believe in allowing their children strong input into family decisions. Gen Y is tuned into television, computers, movies, uTube, and video games and is very media savvy. This generation is extremely brand-conscious and tends to be influenced by education and creative graphics. As a result, many have significant power in influencing their parents and family purchase decisions.

What makes today different from generations past is that the generation now defined as seniors (Baby Boomers and people holding an AARP card) are just as technology savvy as Generation X and Y because if you want to communicate with someone from another generation you need access to all types of devices from mobile to social media platforms.

As marketing and sales professionals, it is important to carefully look at each generation and see that we all have components in common. (Style-conscious, tech-savvy, independent, rebelliousness, entrepreneurial, anti-establishment, experimental, free spirited, self-fulfillment.)  All three generations have a component of FAST, QUICK, EASY and NOW! To sell and market to the generations is truly all about the SPIN!!!!!!!